Leavenworth Weekend

Pepper and Salty Dog enjoy the camp site

Pepper and Salty Dog enjoy the camp site

(April 25-27) Although it is early in the “camping” season, we ventured over Stevens Pass (only a few flakes of snow) to the Thousand Trails RV Park north of Leavenworth for a three day stay.   We’re a little surprised that things are not as green here as they are Granite Falls, but then we are several thousand feet higher in elevation so that should have been expected.

Lots of the campers arrived late in the afternoon, but even with those arrivals there were only about a third of the sites taken.  It may be that the Thousand Trails RV Parks are not often full, or (more likely) it is still early in the season.  It’s our second actual RV outing and we learned some very good lessons on the first.  We threw out the idea of using hand signals for backing up the trailer and went to walkie-talkies.  The Rhino 120s we bought for our Mexico trips came in very handy.  With Linda directing and me driving we backed the thing into it’s spot in under 5 minutes.  It would have been 3 minutes, but she said “left” and I went “right” and I had to pull forward and try that again.

Despite the dreary weather forecast we enjoyed blue skies and huge white cumulus clouds hugging the snow capped mountains all weekend.  Hiking along the trails with dogs, relaxing in the camper, strolling the not-so-crowded streets of Leavenworth and a long overdue visit with cousins Dana and Anne made for a very nice get-away.  The drive home was a bit white knuckle as we had a significant snow shower returning over Stevens Pass and we were down to 45 MPH up some of the steep grades.

A stop for lunch at the Sultan Bakery was our last stop before parking and it was a great place to eat.  Parking in Sultan is not exactly accommodating for a truck pulling  a 32-foot fifth wheel but we found a spot in a residential neighborhood near by and walked.  We parked the RV and got unloaded about 10 minutes before a huge rain and hail storm arrived to welcome us home.

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